Barbecue ALTEA PLUS [left sink & tap]

Barbecue ALTEA PLUS [left sink & tap]

Categories: , REF: M00042


Barbecue made of refractory gray concrete and light orange brick. Zincked grill 84,5 x 55 cm. 1 side stand and 1 side stand with stainless steel sink and chromed tap. Ideal use up to 13 people.

  • Charcoal & Firewood

Additional information

Weight N/A

Dimensions N/A

Materials Brick, Concrete

Additional Info

Altea series:

Traditional brick barbecue, with large dimensions. Sink & tap side stand. Cooking area in 9cm thick brick and a 85,5cm width grill. Recommended up to 13 people.

User Manual

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PT/ES/EN (M00042)

NL/FR/DE (M00042)